
01 December, 2010

Imaginary friends

Korang penah dengar pasal Imaginary Friends tak? Selalu tengok citer omputih, anak-anak dorang mesti ada kawan imaginasi/halusinasi. Dulu tak pecaya atau tak penah nak pecaya tapi bila terjadi kat anak sendiri, barulah faham.

Kisahnya, Syirah sejak 2-3 bulan kebelakangan ni selalu cakap dengan 'kawan' dia yang dipanggil Baby Bear. Kadang dia amik handphone, dia kol lah 'kawan' dia tu. Tanya buat ape, dah makan ke belum, macam-macamlah. Kalau main kat umah sorang-sorang, dia akan main dengan Baby Bear. Selalu kalau kol Opah dia waktu office, akan dengar suara dia bising sangat. Tanyalah dengan Opah "Syirah main dengan siapa?". Opah dia jawab "Main sorang-soranglah". Tapi bisingnya lahai macam ada 10 orang.

Hari tu dia tengah buang air besar kat toilet, tetiba dia cakap "ha datang pun Baby Bear'. Maksudnya lama lah 'kawan' dia tu tak datang kot. Penah sekali dia citer kat Opah dia Baby Bear kena tangkap polis sebab nakal. Kehekehkeh.

Aku penah tanya Baby Bear tu warna apa. Syirah jawab "warna putih lah". Meremang sekejap bulu roma. Bila google untuk cari info pasal imaginary friends ni, nah! Memang sah, budak 3 tahun akan ada kawan imaginasi untuk develop social skills dorang. So jangan sekat dia untuk berimaginasi sebab bila semakin membesar, kawan imaginasi dorang ni akan hilang begitu saja. Setakat ni aku tak sekat lagi selagi tak memudaratkan. Kalo kritikal, haruslah berbuat sesuatu.

Ni aku share artikel dari pasal imaginary friends:

Your 3-old imaginary friends
Been asked to set an extra place at dinner for an imaginary friend yet? As many as half of preschoolers have a pretend buddy. These phantoms don't mean your child is lonely or maladjusted. In fact, kids with imaginary friends are more likely to grow up to be creative, cooperative, sociable, independent, and happy.

An imaginary friend can be human or animal and usually comes with a name and distinct personality. Part confidant, part playmate, part protector, and part scapegoat, they help kids practice relationship building and let them be in control for a change. A pretend friend can be a child's way of handling an increasingly demanding, expanding world.

Watching your child's interactions with her imaginary friend can give you useful insights into her fears and stresses. If her imaginary playmate is afraid of monsters under the bed, then your daughter may be, too.

Although it's wise to be respectful of your child's imaginary friend, try not to get involved in the relationship. For example, avoid using imaginary friends as a way to manipulate your child ("Harvey ate his peas, why can't you?"). Instead, follow her lead. She knows deep down this is an imaginary creation, and it can be a bit alarming to her if you buy into it too readily. These extra members of the family usually disappear by age 7, as your child becomes immersed in the very real-life world of school.

Your life now
Having a 3-year-old can make you proud and completely nuts all at the same time. Because your child's verbal skills and physical abilities have expanded so much since her wobbly 2-year-old days, it's easy to fall into the trap of expecting more from her than she can always deliver. Progress is gradual. Although preschoolers sound and look capable of much more now, social and emotional maturity take time to develop — and that means lots of patience on your part. She still has faulty logic and a healthy ego. She thinks the world revolves around her — as it should at this age.


mya said...

kalau i mesti ketakutan dok bayang imaginary friend tu cam roh budak. hehe.. sengal kan..

mama-syira said...

ekceli memula memang agak takut, lagi2 kalo dia cakap tu malam kan. seremm.. tapi lama2 dah biasa.